DS-(I) Assignment 1: Searching Algorithms

Set A.

a) Create a random array of n integers. Accept a value x from user and use linear search algorithm to check whether the number is present in the array or not and output the position if the number is present.


Set B.

a) Read the data from file 'cities.txt' containing names of cities and their STD codes. Accept a name of the city from user and use linear search algorithm to check whether the name is present in the file and output the STD code, otherwise output “city not in the list”.
b) Read the data from file 'cities.txt' containing names of cities and their STD codes. Accept a name of the city from user and use sentinel linear search algorithm to check whether the name is present in the file and output the STD code, otherwise output “city not in the list”.
c) Read the data from file ‘sortedcities.txt’ containing sorted names of cities and their STD codes. Accept a name of the city from user and use binary search algorithm to check whether the name is present in the file and output the STD code, otherwise output “city not in the list”.


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